11 December 2022

The storms have come in waves this weekend, alternating lightning and window-rattling thunder with blue skies and air washed clear enough to see the coast of France from our living room windows.

And Jonathan and I have been out in waves between the storms, alternating cuddling up together at home with trips down to the pub -- Friday night for a convivial late afternoon glass of wine with the regulars. The World Cup was happening on the TV in the corner and no one knew whether to root for Croatia or Brazil, didn't really care that much, lackadaisically settled on Croatia at some point rather late in the game, and then celebrated wildly when Croatia won. Daniele popped open a bottle of prosecco and we all raised a glass, cheering uproariously.

We also entered a raffle (choosing, because I am apparently still in junior high school, number 69.) The winner will be drawn at lunchtime on Christmas Eve. The first prize is a big basket of all the homemade goodies -- sauces and pickled vegetables and olive oil -- that Daniele and Alice produce. Second prize is a giant (two liter? three liter?) bottle of the locally produced red wine that we have been eyeing for months now and wondering about. Third prize is an enormous winter squash. We have our fingers crossed for the squash.

We also went down for dinner Saturday night because the local Capriglia choir was there eating and singing between courses. They were downstairs (filling the downstairs) and we were upstairs. It was lovely, even though no one upstairs stopped talking during the songs, but instead only talked more loudly so that they could hear themselves over the music. But everyone clapped appreciatively at the end of each number. Below is (I hope) a bootleg recording that Jonathan made on his phone.

And today we are going over to our neighboring village, Cappezzano Monte (population either 176 or 354 people, depending on where you get your information) to hear the Cappezzano Monte Philharmonic perform their annual Christmas Concert. The excitement!