22 April 2023


Here is a completely factual and objective description of the events of yesterday afternoon exactly as they happened:

1. I was sitting on a chair in the living room shelling fresh peas.

2. A pea escaped and rolled under my chair.

3. I saw it go under.

4. I immediately lumbered down to the floor to retrieve it, but it was not there.

5. It is a bare tile floor and there is no other nearby furniture under which a pea could hide.

6. I had a clear view in all directions and there was certainly no pea. I looked all around very carefully. No pea.

7. Anywhere.

8. Instead, there was this fifty-centime piece sitting right where the pea should have been.

9. Earlier in the day, Jonathan and I had been talking about money -- specifically, how to get some more of it.

10. Obviously, the pea had changed itself into the coin.

11. There is no other explanation.

12. This house is enchanted.

(13. p.s. I know what you're thinking, but we ate the rest of the peas.)